Meet Emily – a current member of our Habitat Young Professionals group! She’s been involved with Greater Indy for the past two years but started volunteering with Habitat while in college at Purdue. For Emily, volunteering and being involved is more than just an opportunity to give back to her community – it’s also a wonderful way to meet new friends!
Through her volunteer work, Emily has learned many new things, but one of her favorite discoveries has been the Greater Indy Habitat ReStore. She enjoys learning about how the ReStore operates: accepting donations of home goods from businesses and individuals, repurposing materials, and ultimately supporting Habitat’s mission. She finds it fulfilling to see how the store helps reduce waste by giving home items a second life, benefiting both the environment and the community!
One of Emily’s favorite memories as a volunteer happened on her very first build site. She had just attended the Young Professionals annual kickoff party and showed up to the build not knowing anyone. However, that didn’t last long! Working side by side with other volunteers, she found herself connecting with people who shared her passion and enthusiasm for helping. One of the most memorable moments of the day was simply eating lunch together on the front porch of the house they were building. Sharing a meal with the other Young Professionals reinforced the sense of belonging and community that Habitat fosters.
When asked to describe her experience in three words, Emily chose heartwarming, belonging, and community. She encourages others to get involved, emphasizing that volunteering with Habitat is a chance to do something meaningful while connecting with like-minded people. For Emily, the work is not just about building houses; it’s about building relationships, strengthening communities, and creating a brighter future for families.
When asked to describe her experience in three words, Emily chose heartwarming, belonging, and community. She encourages others to get involved, emphasizing that volunteering with Habitat is a chance to do something meaningful while connecting with like-minded people.
The Young Professionals are always accepting new members! Are you passionate about making a difference in your community?
Hear about our other inspiring volunteers.