Meet Danielle

Danielle Cox-Eland FamilyMy name is Danielle Cox-Eland, mother of two wonderful girls, Jayda and Camryn. I am a self-employed cosmetologist and have been since July 2013.

I want my girls to grow up in a safe and clean environment that they can call home. A home that I can proudly tell them I helped to build. To have a house that is big enough for the girls and at a price I can afford with no interest would create the ability to work only as a full time hair stylist and give me the chance to be home with my girls more. These are some of the major and life-changing benefits this partnership would mean for my family and me.

I am 27 years-old and moved out of my mother’s house when I was 18. In that time I have spent around $60,000 on apartments, moving each year, and for all the money and time spent moving, I have nothing to show for it. I consider myself a hard worker and I am ready for that to carry over outside of work and show in my home as well. I want something that is mine and my girls’ – a place that they can call home for as long as they live with me. Being a homeowner means so much more than just physically owning a house. It is a sense of security for my family, stability, pride and an overwhelming happiness that I’m given the opportunity to be a homeowner and change my lifestyle at the same time. I want to be a role model for my children, showing them that dedication, good work ethic, and pursuing your dreams pays off.

More about the Cox-Eland Family:

Family members: Jayda (7), Camryn (1)

Occupation: Cosmetologist

Hobbies: Art (painting, sketching, portraits)

Favorite part about living in Indianapolis: I love the diversity of Indianapolis

What does homeownership mean for your family? Homeownership means a safe, clean environment for my children and myself and sets an example for my children that hard work and discipline pay off.

What goals will you set once in your new house? My goals once I am in my new house are to continue learning ways to maintain the house on my own and to pay off my mortgage ahead of time.

What are you most looking forward to in your new home? I am most looking forward to walking in the first day and knowing that this HOME is mine!

Danielle will build her home alongside Ag Build volunteers and sponsors at the 2016 Indiana State Fair!