The Impact of Affordable Housing on Health: Trish’s Story

By August 1, 2024Homeowner

Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, Trish moved to Indiana. Initially, she lived with her sister, who had volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and recommended the program to Trish as a way to get back on her feet. When asked what motivated her to apply, Trish responded, “Why would you not apply? Where else can you get an interest-free mortgage?” In 2016, she closed on her home and celebrated by hosting a paint party with friends, painting the walls blue and enjoying pizza. 

Since moving into her own home, Trish has noticed a significant improvement in her overall health and well-being. Getting out of her sister’s house lifted a huge mental weight, renewing her sense of independence and the ability to move forward. For Trish, owning a home symbolizes stability and a sanctuary, both of which she experiences by enjoying her yard. 

Her new home has allowed her to host her children, providing them with a place to stay when needed. Trish takes pride in her flowers, coming home each day spending time watching them grow—a pleasure she shares with her 3-year-old granddaughter. Together, they explore and learn about the plants, which is a great bonding experience and making memories. 

Homeownership has not only benefited Trish’s mental health and peace of mind. Since becoming a homeowner, Trish has undergone three surgeries, including a shoulder surgery this summer. Her recovery period includes six weeks in a sling and another six weeks in physical therapy. Recovering from surgery in your own home offers comfort, familiarity, and a supportive environment that can significantly enhance the healing process. 

As a single-income household, she is grateful that she doesn’t have to worry about high rent costs and can instead allocate funds toward essential healthcare costs.

Having a stable home has also ensured that Trish can conveniently access the healthcare she needs. Living in an area close to great healthcare, her job, and nearby stores, Trish feels secure during her recovery. Her primary concern when looking for a house was financial stability and having an affordable mortgage. Now, she consistently pays off her debts and moves closer to becoming completely debt-free. 

Trish’s story illustrates how affordable housing can impact physical and mental health, providing stability, security, and a foundation for a healthier life. 

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