Your gifts at work 

No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve to feel strength and stability day after day. We know that affordable homeownership can transform a life and shape communities. At Habitat for Humanity, we bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Your investment in our mission makes this important work possible. 

Housing is important to the quality of life, health, and economic prosperity of the entire community. As housing availability shrinks and costs rise, families with limited incomes face increased housing instability. 

Why homeownership?

Start with home and the rest will follow. Outcomes of homeownership. 


Families with limited incomes face a daily, monthly struggle to meet their housing costs, while contending with a fear that an eviction, a rent hike, or simply an unanticipated expense will mean displacement. 


Inadequate housing impacts health, especially the health of children. After moving into Habitat homes, asthma and allergies are two conditions that dramatically improve in children.  


Stable, healthy housing is one of the most effective strategies for improving school performance in low-income children. In addition, over 70% of Habitat homeowners pursue or intend to pursue further education. 

Economic Prosperity

A healthy housing market attracts businesses that depend on a range of housing options for their employees. 


When people can find good housing that they can afford near their work, it improves our transportation system by decreasing congestion and reducing commuting costs. 


Habitat’s commitment to green building produces energy-efficient homes that are more affordable to maintain. Additionally, building housing near public transportation and thriving job centers results in diminished air pollution and congestion. 

Faces of Habitat

Meet 3 families who recently completed classes through Habitat University and are on their way to achieving their dream of homeownership.

Mercedes, a compassionate caregiver at a home healthcare company, faces unique challenges caring for her son, who suffered a traumatic brain injury and was diagnosed with developmental delays. Owning a home will not only provide a stable environment for Mercedes and her children but will also offer much-needed accessibility that their current second-floor apartment lacks. Your generosity is a lifeline for families like Mercedes’, fostering independence and improving overall health and wellbeing. 

Paul, a hardworking and dedicated Walmart employee, has faced challenges in his pursuit of homeownership. Despite overcoming adversity and diligently saving for a home, the compounding effects of the pandemic and rising costs have made his dream nearly impossible for a single parent. Your support gives Paul and his three-year-old daughter hope for a more secure future. 

Vanessa, a mail clerk at USPS, and her 18-year-old son currently live in a rented house that is far from an ideal living situation. Frequent gunshots in the neighborhood have restricted them from using their own backyard, and the house itself is in poor condition, with issues such as mold, termites, and a continuous leak. Your partnership ensures that Vanessa and her son can soon experience safety and stability through homeownership, leaving behind the challenges of their current living conditions. 

By the numbers

Each quarter we will dive into a specific outcome of homeownership or a topic that is impacting affordable housing. This quarter we will focus on the current affordability gap: 

Number of families served locally and abroad
Number of homeowners paid off their mortgage

For every $1 invested, Habitat’s program returns $2.61 in community benefits.