First-Gen College Student Thriving in Higher Education: Bugashane’s Story

By August 21, 2024News, Scholarship

Just days away from starting his sophomore year, Bugashane is filled with excitement and gratitude as he reflects on his collegiate journey as a two-time Habitat scholarship recipient. We first celebrated Bugashane and his family in 2022, when they closed on their Habitat home. Since then, he has become a first-generation college student and has found a home in Purdue University. 

In 2023, he began his college career studying computer graphics with a major in UX design. This year, he has added a major in game development and animation, along with two minors in business and French. Over the summer, he served as a mentor for the Summer College for High School Students Program, the same program he participated in as an incoming freshman.

My thought was to help the new students get acclimated to this experience and welcome them like it was done for me, he shared, highlighting his commitment to giving back. 

Being on his own for the first time and living in the dorms was “a wonderful thing” for Bugashane. Adjusting to the feeling of independence makes him think of how it could be compared to homeownership. He reflects on the current crisis at Purdue with their residential facilities, where there are not enough spaces for students to stay on campus. This scholarship will go toward room and board, helping Bugashane secure his spot sooner and providing him with the stability he needs to focus on his studies. 

When reflecting on the impact his Habitat home still has, Bugashane shares the new activities his family has been able to implement in their daily lives. Back at the house, the family has picked up gardening, something they never used to do. Even though Bugashane is not there during the school year, he can tell his younger siblings are much happier in their new home. They finally have a space that fits them all comfortably, with even room for guests. He is excited to come home for a few days before he starts the new semester, knowing that the stability and joy their Habitat home brings will always be a part of his life.  

Bugashane kept himself busy in his freshman year. Since coming in, he has joined the wrestling club, volleyball club, and game developing club. Each of these serves as a way for him to meet new people, spend time with friends, and develop new skills he can bring to his major. This year, Bugashane is most looking forward to joining the soccer club. He admits, “I came in ready to have fun and get the college experience. Still getting the experience, I’m focusing on what’s really important.” Looking for a way to get ahead, Bugashane also completed summer classes. 

Bugashane reflects on the many accomplishments he has gained as he enters his second year. As a member of the Honors Leadership Council, he gets to plan events focused on cultivating community among honors students. He is particularly proud of this achievement, as his determination paid off after finally being accepted on his third attempt. He is also proud that he is now a double major and has added on double minors. These notable experiences are all thanks to what he considers his greatest strength, commitment. As long as I keep trying, it’ll eventually work out, he says. 

Bugashane’s biggest role model is his father, the person who initially pushed him to pursue higher education. “Even now, he still supports me in everything,” Bugashane says. He is confident that his parents will be even happier than he will be on graduation day.

Coming from Africa, they’ll finally see their children take advantage of the opportunities they didn’t have,” he reflects, grateful for the sacrifices his parents made to provide a better future for their family. 

Although it’s still early to be certain about post-graduate plans, Bugashane is considering taking a gap year after graduation to do community service with his church, providing another opportunity to give back. He leaves a piece of advice for aspiring students and those in the grind of finding scholarships: “It’s a great experience. The more effort you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. It will happen.” 

We are so proud of Bugashane for continuing his collegiate success and hope his story inspires others to pursue their dreams. Each of our scholarship recipients has a unique and powerful story to share. Click below to hear their journeys and the dreams they’re pursuing.